Break up with the story.

The agenda for change and up-leveling is always inside you. If you’re like me, you’ve read countless books, listened to numerous podcasts, and watched others reveal their secrets to success—whatever that means for you.

And, if you’re like me, you’ve wondered why it doesn’t seem to work quite “right.”  

My default story is usually that I’m somehow jinxed, which isn’t helpful or true.  

The reason is that our success journey doesn’t look like anyone else’s is because we carry countless stories inside us about what we can/can’t, should/shouldn’t do. To truly make a change, we need to understand these stories and get better acquainted with the narratives we tell ourselves.

Some of these stories are conscious, while others run the show without our realization. Want to discover which stories serve you and which don’t? It all starts with awareness, the critical precursor for up-leveling.

Consider these questions to develop awareness:

  1. What story have I told one too many times about myself?
  2. What story is it time to let go of?
  3. What part of my story do I need to break up with?
  4. Which stories do I believe that make me feel powerful?

Here’s a short video that I made for you a couple of days ago that’s full of more questions.  

Beliefs are wrapped up in stories that can hamper self-awareness, desire, expansion, and goals. Take the time to explore your stories. Understand which ones propel you forward and which ones hold you back. Embrace the power of awareness to unlock your potential and step into your full, authentic self.

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